The London Chest Hospital
The London Chest Hospital, located in Bethnal Green in London, adjacent to Victoria Park, was a hospital run by the Barts Health NHS Trust. It closed in April 2015 as part of the creation of the Barts Heart Centre at St Bartholomew's Hospital, which involved the consolidation of services from the London Chest Hospital and UCLH's The Heart Hospital.
It had a national reputation for cardiac treatment.
The Explore:
A friend of mine told me about this one, so we organised a trip down here and met another one of our pals nearby, to explore the building together. One of us already to knew how to get in prior to our arrival since this was a revissit to this site for my friend.
Once inside, we were left wandering around for a while trying to find a way in (which was proving very difficult) whilst also trying not to accidently bump into secca. (They were currently using some of the old rooms inside the building as their offices). Once in, thanks to a carefully placed and unattented open window, we kept hearing beeping noises, maybe PIR's we were setting off, but nobody came looking so we were not fussed.
After strolling around the corridors for a good few hours, we wanted to go and check out the other side of the hospital which we hadn't yet seen, but this involved sneeking right past the security office! (You could hear him in his office watching the television, had it turned up so bloody loud he didn't have a clue that we were walking right on by!) After sneaking on past the security, we strolled around and found the old 'Out Patient' ward, along with a few Labatories.
Started to get very late on into the evening so we decided we had to find access up onto the roof before we left, luckily someone on site left a ladder laying around, so it didn't take us long to work that one out! After we worked our way onto the roof, we stopped, enjoyed the view and took some photos, smoked a cigarette then we made our way down and left. Successful trip!